HBSE Haryana Board Result 2024 Out:?The results of the October session for class 10 and 12 exams have been announced by the Board of School Education, Haryana (BSEH). Marksheets for those who took the test are available for download on HBSE's official website. Students who appeared for the Secondary and Senior Secondary Examination can check their results by filling in the details required.
As per the official statement of the board, the October exam results for the Secondary Educational Supplementary Examination were 62.80 percent. Whereas the overall result of the Senior Secondary Education Supplementary Examination was 59.19 percent.?The result of Secondary Open School Supplementary Examination was 67.23 percent, while the result of Senior Secondary Open School Supplementary Examination was 46.08 percent. Other information can be seen in the table below.?
Name of the Exam | Total Candidates | Pass Candidate | Pass Percentage | Compartment/Re-appear | Number of students | Students Pass Number | Students Pass (%) | Number of girl students | Girl students pass number | Girls pass (%) |
Secondary Educational Supplementary Examination | 5022 | 3154 | 62.80% | 1621 | 3138 | 1960 | 62.46% | 1884 | 1194 | 63.38% |
Senior Secondary Educational Supplementary Examination? | 6900 | 4084 | 59.19% | 2647 | 4543 | 2717 | 59.81% | 2357 | 1367 | 58.00% |
Secondary Open School Supplementary Examination? | 16976 | 11413 | 67.23% | 5563 | 9787 | 6570 | 67.13% | 7188 | 4843 | 67.38% |
Senior Secondary Open School Supplementary Examination? | 21692 | 9996 | 46.08% | 11696 | 14102 | 6503 | 46.11% | 7590 | 3493 | 46.00% |
Students must review the result thoroughly with each subject's marks and other details. In case of any issue, students have the right to reach out to their respective board officials or schools for further clarification.
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