On Tuesday, Ahmedabad added 262 new coronavirus cases and 21 deaths taking the district's coronavirus tally to 8,945, the highest in the state of Gujarat. The death toll rose to 576 in the red zone district.
Ahmedabad district now has 5,346 active cases.
Ahmedabad's Civil hospital in Asarwa, which also is the largest Civil hospital in Asia, has earned a rather morbid nickname - 'Graveyard'. And this because more people have left the hospital in bags than walking out free of coronavirus.
According to a report by The Times of India, Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation data of Covid-19 outbreak from March till May 19 morning revealed that 343 COVID-19 patients died after being treated in Asarwa's Civil hospital and were taken to crematoriums and or graveyards. Only 338 patients were discharged after recovering.
However, not all is gloom.
The COVID-19 facility at SVP Hospital in Ellisbridge reported 117 deaths while 884 patients were discharged, standing at 13% deaths in total discharged. The next best record is with Sola Civil Hospital which discharged 187 patients against 26 deaths. The report adds that private and trust-run hospitals have registered 63 deaths against 186 patients discharged.
With an alarming death rate in the Civil Hospital, along with videos of apathy and shortage of doctors and nursing staff, there is a general apprehension among people.???
According to the state government, close to 13 lakh people are living in Ahmedabad's containment zones.??
The data provided by the state government reveals that 5 per cent of of the total population in Gujarat put under containment, with numbers highest in Ahmedabad.
Being the city with the highest number of Covid-19 cases and mortality rate in Gujarat, this is nearly 23 per cent of its population (as per census 2011).
Gujarat on Tuesday added 395 cases and 25 deaths, taking the state's cases tally to 12,141 and death toll to 719.
With 239 patients discharged in the past 24 hours, the total number of discharged patients has climbed to 5,043.