Amit Malviya, the head of BJP's IT Cell is at it again. Days after his so-called sting video which claimed that Shaheen Bagh protests are fake and paid was exposed as stated elsewhere, Malviya has shared two photos claiming that it was "Proof of Biryani being distributed at Shaheen Bagh!".?
On January 15, Malviya had posted a video that allegedly showed that two men saying that Congress is paying people to protest in Shaheen Bagh and that protestors are working in shifts and take Rs 500-700 a day to carry out the demonstrations.?
¡°The landlords of the shops across the street (Shaheen Bagh) have waived off the rent for the shops. They said if the shops cannot function, how will they pay the rent? The ladies sitting in the area work in shifts. They are getting money according to their shifts.¡±
"Some get 500 a day and others get nearly 700. They have to do nothing, just sit there. They go to their house, cook food come back and sit here. Also, they are getting free Biryani, tea and all the other things here. They are sitting there with one-year old kids, all of this is Congress¡¯ game.¡± the men are heard saying in the video.?
However, according to Alt News, the sting was shot at a shop in Delhi¡¯s Pul Prahladpur, eight kilometres away from Shaheen Bagh.?
The BJP IT Cell has not issued any clarification on sting video and it seems like they are doubling down on the Biryani claim with the two photos.?
As expected Malviya is getting roasted online for his claims.?
Some Twitter users even shared Malviya's previous tweets where he is seen asking people to suggest him places to have biryani. He is also seen recommending restaurants to have biryani.?
Malviya is not the first to drag Biryani into the Shaheen Bagh debate. Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath who is one of BJP's star campaigners for the Delhi Assembly elections had on Sunday claimed that Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal was offering biryani in Shaheen Bagh.?
"The BJP is working with zero tolerance towards terrorism. But Kejriwal is busy sponsoring and offering biryani in Shaheen Bagh," he said.?
Earlier, after Malviya shared the sting video, the women protesters at Shaheen Bagh had decided to take legal action against the baseless claims and sent a defamation notice to BJP IT cell chief. The legal notice has demanded an apology and Rs 1 crore in damages from the BJP leader.