Air Indian that has to pay debt is seeking loan worth over Rs 1,100 crore for modification of two Boeing aircraft for ferrying VVIPs.?
These planes will be used to ferry the President, Vice President and Prime Minister. In a tender document, the national carrier said it would like to avail a bridge loan of up to USD 180 million to finance the cost of modification. At current exchange rates, the amount will translate to over Rs 1,160 crore.
"The Government of India has indicated that they would issue its guarantee for the financing cost of modification of the two B777-300 ER aircraft for a period of 12 months or less," the document issued last week said. These planes will undergo reconfiguration before being put to service. The proposed loan amount will be availed during the period from January to April 2018.
Last week, Air India sought short-term loans of Rs 1,500 crore to meet the urgent working capital requirements. Air India was promised Rs 50,000 crore in equity infusion until 2032 by the erstwhile UPA dispensation in 2012 to bail out the airline, which is burdened with accumulated losses and debt to the tune of over Rs 52,000 crore.
Of this, it has already received about Rs 26,000 crore but the government is unlikely to infuse capital into the carrier any more following the divestment decision.
The Air India group has operations 42 international destinations and over 70 domestic stations. It has an operating fleet of 142 aircraft.
In the current fiscal, the government plans to raise Rs 72,500 crore by way of disinvestment. Of the total amount, around Rs 11,000 crore is to come from listing of insurance companies and Rs 15,000 crore via strategic stake sale in PSUs.