Aboard the International Space Station, astronaut Loral O'Hara recently treated viewers to a breathtaking sight: images capturing the mesmerizing phenomenon of 'alpenglow' near the Hindu Kush mountain range.
'Alpenglow,' as described by the American Meteorological Society, manifests as a reddish hue gracing mountain summits during sunrise or sunset.O'Hara, awestruck by the spectacle, shared several of these enchanting snapshots on X, dubbing the experience "magical."
''Alpenglow: just as magical from space as it is on Earth. Near the Hindu Kush mountain range in Central and South Asia,'' astronaut Lora O'Hara wrote while sharing the pictures.? ?
Since its posting on January 18, the images have gone viral, accumulating over 50,000 views and garnering more than 200 likes.
One user wrote, ''Beautiful view of what is thought to be the originating location of Indica Landrace strains.''
Another commented, ''Stunning photos taken by @lunarloral from the @ISS_Research. The last time I saw Loral was in Flagstaff as we completed a week of #geology training - she nailed it with these images!''
A third added, ''Looks like @lunarloral is practicing her Europan/Ganymedean orbital terrain mapping training skills for a future mission - possibly with submersibles.''
Situated over an impressive 800-kilometer span, the Hindu Kush mountain range winds through the heart of Afghanistan, reaching into Northern Pakistan and Tajikistan. This geological marvel constitutes the western expanse of the Hindu Kush Himalayan region.
Spanning eight countries!Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, India, Nepal, Myanmar, and Pakistan!the region serves as the lifeblood for approximately two billion people, providing crucial water resources, ecosystem services, and sustenance. Despite its vital importance, the Hindu Kush Himalayas are experiencing alarming rates of warming, clocking in at three times the global average.
The accelerated melting of glaciers in the area poses dire threats to agriculture, food security, freshwater access, and energy sustainability. Additionally, this ecological imbalance imperils numerous plant and animal species native to the biodiversity hotspots, pushing some to the brink of extinction.
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