As police enforced the lockdown in Delhi, the restrictions have become severe with a tight vigil being kept to ensure no unnecessary movement of people and vehicles takes place.?
On Tuesday alone, 5146 people were detained and 299 cases were registered against them for flouting prohibitory orders. The Times of India reported that cops have seized 1018 vehicles from across the city under Delhi Police Act.?
The lockdown is expected to get more stricter after PM Narendra Modi announced a nationwide lockdown for 21 days. Besides detaining people, the cops had also been ordered to seize vehicles found running not only on the main roads, but also within the colonies.
There is a complete restrictions on movement, with only people involved in essential services to be allowed to move around freely to ensure citizens don't face any problems.?
Having announced that crossing the borders into Delhi from neighbouring states would require curfew passes, Delhi Police set up a single window at the offices of the of the designated deputy commissioners of police.?
By 5pm on Tuesday, 2,319 vehicle passes had been issued. enquiry counter at the DCPs¡¯ office cleared doubts about the the curfew passes, which contain the name, designation, organisation and contact number of the holder.
The Times Of India reported the police saying that?it was mostly media professionals and owners of food deliver companies and pharmacies that collected the passes on Tuesday.