In an a tragic incident in Hyderabad, a 26-year-old woman was allegedly strangled by her husband at their home in Begum Bazar locality. The man then hung himself.?
The police were even more shocked when they learned that that a four-year-old girl and her six-year-old brother witnessed their mother's murder at the hands of their father and also saw him take his own life. The couple has two more children aged one and two respectively. Those two were asleep when it happened. They have been identified as Mohammed Sabai (35), an auto driver, and his wife Rubina. They got married in 2011.?
According to a TOI report, the girl and her brother approached the neighbours at around 9 am when their mother didn¡¯t wake up. The neighbours alerted the police. Begum Bazar inspector K Madhu Mohan said that the kids are too young understand what has happened. The police have recovered a suicide note left by Sabair.?
Inspector Madhu Mohan told TOI that the couple had frequent fights over petty issues over the past few months. However, they reconciled after the intervention of elders in the family. Madhu Mohan added, ¡°Whenever Rubina spoke to her parents, Sabair would suspect that she was complaining about him. This would lead to further arguments and quarrels between the couple.¡±?
A heated argument broke out between them on Thursday night. The couple went to sleep after neighbour¡¯s intervention. Sabair woke up early and throttled Rubina to death. After receiving a call from the neighbours, the police reached the crime scene. The two kids used hand gestures to explain to the cops how their father killed their mother and then hanged himself.?
(If you or someone you know are suffering from depression, experiencing suicidal thoughts, or just need someone to talk to, remember that help is just a phone call away. Reach out to the following helplines in India. BMC mental health helpline: 022-24131212 (available 24X7), Vandrevala Foundation: 186-02662345/180-02333330 (24x7) or AASRA: 91-9820466726 (available 24X7).)??