In a shocking incident, an FIR has been registered against a software engineer from Maharashtra's Kalyan for allegedly giving triple talaq to his wife after she refused to comply with his demand to have physical intimacy with his boss. The 28-year-old woman, the second wife of Sohail Shaikh, alleged that her husband had asked her to sleep with his boss during a party on December 7, which she refused.
The woman further alleged that her 45-year-old husband had also demanded that she arrange ?15 lakh per month to give to his first wife, with whom his divorce proceedings are still ongoing, which she also refused to accept.
Following this, on December 20, the accused allegedly gave his wife triple talaq and asked her to leave his house.
The matter came to light after the woman filed a complaint at the Bazarpeth police station. Based on the woman's complaint, the accused has been booked under Sections 115(2), 351(2), 351(3), and 352 of the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita and the Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Marriage) Act, 2019. However, no arrest has been made in the case so far.
Triple talaq, where Muslim women are given instant divorce by uttering the word talaq three times, has been a highly controversial practice. Triple talaq was banned in 2019 after the Supreme Court in 2017 held that the practice was unconstitutional and violated the fundamental rights of Muslim women.
Under the Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Marriage) Act, 2019, triple talaq is a non-bailable, cognizable offence punishable with a maximum of three years' imprisonment and a fine.
Despite the law being in place for nearly four years now, triple talaq, like the one in Kalyan, continues to happen.
Recently, a 31-year-old man from Maharashtra¡¯s Thane district had given triple talaq to his 25-year-old wife because she had gone for a walk alone.
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