Allu Arjun was on Friday (December 13) sent to judicial custody for 14 days in connection with a stampede at the Sandhya theatre in Hyderabad in which a woman lost her life. The tragedy took place on December 4 during the premiere of the star¡¯s recent blockbuster Pushpa 2. Following the unfortunate incident, the deceased fan¡¯s family filed a complaint against the actor and a few others.
?Now, in the latest development, the victim¡¯s husband has said that he is ready to take back the case.
Allu Arjun made a surprise appearance at the premiere of Pushpa 2 in Hyderabad? on December 4 to interact with his fans.? . This led to a stampede-like situation as those in attendance rushed to get a glimpse of their beloved mass hero.A 35-year-old woman lost her life and her son sustained? serious injuries in the resulting commotion.? A? complaint was soon filed against Bunny, the theatre¡¯s management, and the star's security team. Three people were arrested in connection with the case.
?On Friday, the cops arrested Allu Arjun in connection with the incident. Now, the victim¡¯s husband has said that he is ready to take back the case. He also said that the DJ actor is not at fault.?
"I am ready to withdraw the case. I was not aware of the arrest and Allu Arjun has nothing to do with the stampede in which my wife passed away,¡± he was quoted as saying by Times Now.?
Allu Arjun has, meanwhile, been sentenced to judicial custody for 14 days in connection with the case.?
On the work front, Allu Arjun is currently in the limelight because of his latest film Pushpa 2. The actioner hit the screens on December 5 and grossed nearly Rs 282 globally on the first day. It also received rave reviews with critics praising the performances. The film is directed by Sukumar and revolves around the titular smuggler as re-ignites his feud with an old rival. Pushpa 3, the third installment of the franchise, has already been announced and is expected to hit the screens in 2030.?
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