Allu Arjun was arrested in connection with the Pushpa 2 stampede case on December 13 and had to spend the night in jail despite being given interim bail as there was a delay in receiving the necessary documents. He was eventually freed on December 14. Now, a senior official from the Telangana Police's prisons department has revealed some details about his time in jail.?
Allu Arjun spent a night in the Hyderabad prison after being arrested in connection with the Pushpa 2 stampede tragedy. He was detained on December 13 and given interim bail within hours. The star, however, was not allowed to leave the prison as the authorities received a physical copy of the bail order quite late.?
According to a senior official from the Telangana Police's prisons department. Bunny was ¡®not depressed¡¯ in jail. The official further added that the actor had rice and vegetable curry.?
¡°He was quite normal and did not appear depressed. Normally, the dinner time is 5:30 pm. However, late admissions are also served food. He had rice and vegetable curry, and was treated as a special prisoner as ordered by the court,¡± the official told PTI.?
Being a ¡®special prisoner¡¯, Bunny was entitled to a cot. He was also permitted to use a chair and a table. The star, however, did not seek these favours.?
The premiere of Pushpa 2 was held at the Sandhya theatre in Hyderabad on December 4. Allu Arjun, the man of the moment, visited the theatre to meet his fans on his big day. This led to a stampede-like situation when people rushed to get a glimpse of the mass hero. A 35-year-old female fan died in the chaos. Moreover,? her son suffered severe injuries. A complaint was filed against the star and a few others. Following this, three people were arrested in connection with the incident. Moreover,? Allu Arjun issued an apology to the affected family. He was, however, arrested on December 13. Meanwhile, the victim¡¯s husband gave him a clean chit and said that he is ready to take back the case.?
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