Allu Arjun attended the premiere of Pushpa 2, the biggest film of his career, in Hyderabad on Wednesday (December 4) and interacted with fans. This created a great deal of buzz among those in attendance and they tried to get a glimpse of their favourite star. Unfortunately, the special show¨C which was held at the Sandhya Theatre¨C took a tragic turn when a woman lost her life following a stampede-like situation.?
The much-hyped premiere of Allu Arjun¡¯s Pushpa 2 at the Sandhya Theatre in Hyderabad proved to be a memorable affair for the stars' fans as he personally attended the screening and met those in attendance. The event, however, was marred by a major controversy. In a tragic development, a woman lost her life after a stampede during the screening. Moreover, a boy¨C believed to be her son¨C fainted in the chaos. The police performed CPR and rushed them to the hospital. However, it was too late as the woman died despite these efforts.?
According to the Times of India, the commotion started around 10:30 pm when a large crowd tried to get a glimpse of the mass hero. To make matters worse, the theatre's main gate collapsed while the star was still inside. Following this, additional forces were deployed to control the situation. Police personnel also confirmed that mild force was used to bring the situation under control.?
Pushpa 2, the biggest film of Sukumar's career, is an actioner that features Allu Arjun in the role of smuggler and centres on the events that transpire when the character tries to expand his ¡®empire¡¯. The film features Rashmika Mandanna as Srivalli, the protagonist¡¯s lover-turned-wife, and is billed as a game-changer for her. The cast includes Fahadh Faasil, Sunil, Jagapathi Babu, and Anasuya. Devi Sri Prasad is its music director. Pushpa 2 hit the screens on December 5.
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