Allu Arjun was arrested and sent to judicial custody on Friday, December 13, in connection with the Pushpa 2 stampede case and this sent shockwaves through the industry. He was? granted interim bail but had to spend a night in jail as the authorities received a copy of the bail order only late at night. He was finally released today, December 14. Now, a video of the DJ star with his wife has become the talk of the town.
Allu Arjun returned home today after spending a night in jail in connection with the death of a fan during the premiere of Pushpa 2. He was not released yesterday despite being granted interim bail within hours of being arrested as the authorities did not receive a copy of the bail order on time.
?Now, a video of Allu Arjun reaching home has gone viral. In it, the mass hero is seen with his wife Sneha. She broke down on seeing him and greeted him with a hug.?
Here is the video:
?Allu Arjun and Sneha Reddy tied the knot in 2011. They have two kids¨CArha and Ayaan.?
The premiere of Pushpa 2 was held at the Sandhya theatre in Hyderabad on December 4 and it garnered a great deal of attention?Allu Arjun, the face of the franchise, visited the theatre to meet his fans on the special occasion. . Those present rushed to catch a glimpse of their favourite mass hero, which caused a stampede-like situation.
?A 35-year-old female fan died and her son suffered severe injuries in the subsequent chaos. A complaint was filed against the star and a few others. Following this, three people were arrested in connection with the tragedy.. Allu Arjun apologised to the affected family and promised to help them. He was, however, arrested on December 13. Meanwhile, the victim¡¯s husband offered to withdraw the case and said that the star had nothing to do with the stampede in which his wife lost his wife.
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