A 22-year-old imitation jeweller was held with fake notes. The man had 51 fake Rs 2000 notes in Rajkot, Gujarat. He was arrested on November 5. A probe by police brought to light that the accused had been hit financially by the pandemic and took to smuggling fake notes in order to clear off debts.?
Police said the accused, whose name is Hemant Vatuka, was unable to get work after the lockdown was imposed. He took a loan to pay for his son's treatment. When he had no way to pay it back, he chose this path.?
¡°Prior to the lockdown, Vatukia used to work as an imitation jewellery maker. However, during the lockdown, he didn¡¯t get any work and had to borrow money for the treatment of his ailing son. As the amount of debt increased, he felt the urgent need of making quick bucks, following which he resorted to the crime,¡± said Kuvadava Road police station inspector MC Vala as per a TOI report.?
He got the fake currency for Rs 20,000 from a dealer in MP, according to the inspector, who added that the plan was to sell them for Rs 50,000.?
Vatukia's arrest will be official once he tests for COVID, Vala went on to say.