In what could be termed an important step towards saving crucial wildlifein the country, the state of Jharkhand has chosen to not build?theDhalbhumgarh airport to save forests and animals.
The habitatof the elephant, an?endangeredspecies?and India¡¯s national heritage animal, are regularly threatenedby developmental projects. The Dhalbhumgarhairport sought nearly 100 hectares of land from forests in Jharkhand that serveas a corridor for elephants migrating between Jharkhand and the neighbouringstate of West Bengal.?
According to a report by Huffpost India, ¡°An expert panel of the Indiangovernment¡¯s Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC)has?deferred?theproject while noting that the project could lead to an increase inhuman-elephant conflict in the area. It has sought further information forreconsidering the proposal.¡±
The Dhalbhumgarh airport site is an abandoned World War II airfieldsituated 60 kilometres from the industrial city of Jamshedpur inJharkhand.?Currently, the surface of the runway is not suitable foroperations and no other facility is available at the airport.
¡°New runwaydimensions suitable for ATR 72 type of aircraft will be constructed along withthe provision of turning pad at both the ends. Terminal building to handle 75arrival and 75 departure passengers at any point of time will be constructed,¡±revealed the?minutes?of the EAC¡¯s meeting, as reported by HuffpostIndia.
However, itis learnt that the airport project is awaiting Centre clearance, according to areport by news agency PTI.
¡°Diversionof forest lands for non-forestry use, under the Forest (Conservation) Act,1980, is accorded in two stages. They are Stage 1 or in-principle approvalwhich mandates conditions to be complied with for the issue of the subsequentStage 11 or final approval. Construction of boundary walls will begin afterreceiving the clearance for Stage-I, he said. Since a major portion of the landfor the airport belongs to the forest department, "Elephant movement isthere, particularly in areas bordering West Bengal, but it is not an elephantcorridor," the DFO said,¡± it said.
The projectwill benefit the people of Jharkhands Kolhan division and areas borderingOdisha and West Bengal, an official release said. "The project will beconstructed on forest land and it will begin after getting a letter of noobjection (NOC) from the forest department. The district administration istaking all necessary efforts to get the NOC," the release had said onJanuary 3.