The 2016 Malayalam movie 'Pulimurugan' has the lead character played by Mohanlal, who is a hunter.
He is called Pulimurugan because he hunts and kills striped-leopards (tigers) because a tiger had killed his father when he was a young boy.
Now an almost similar real-life incident has surfaced in Kerala, where a man allegedly killed a leopard in an act of revenge, for killing his cow.
Karuvadu Kumar, a resident of Kannimala lower division in Munnar was arrested by the Forest Department on Thursday for trapping and killing an adult leopard.
The leopard was found dead in a snare, in Kannimala Estate on August 8.
During the investigation, Forest Officials came across Kumar, whom locals said had vowed to kill the leopard.
On Thursday, following his arrest, Kumar has admitted that he had trapped and killed the 4-year-old big cat.
According to Kumar, he had waited for nearly one-and-a-half years to kill the animal, because it had killed his cow.
Kumar used to own a cow, and selling its milk was his only livelihood.?
But almost one-and-a-half years ago, the cow was killed and eaten by a leopard when it was gazing.
Kumar had reportedly told his friends that he will kill the leopard and had set a trap for it since then.
Last month the leopard was trapped in the snare alive and Kumar who went to check the trap reportedly killed it with a knife.
The leopard which is listed in schedule 1 of the wildlife act, is one of the biggest victims of ever-increasing human-animal conflict.
Due to habitat loss leopards often stray into human settlements in search of food.
Domestic animals like cows, goats, and dogs are easy prey for the hungry big cats. However, this puts them in direct conflict with humans, who often kill them to protect their assets.
The country lost 491 leopards to poaching and accidents in 2019. This is a marginal reduction from the 500 leopards killed in the country the previous year.