A Class XI student at a school in Kerala has been suspended by the authorities after he issued death threats to teachers, including the principal, for confiscating his mobile phone. The student at Anakkara Government Higher Secondary School in Palakkad was suspended on Wednesday after a video of him threatening the principal went viral on social media.
According to the authorities, the incident happened on Friday after a teacher confiscated the boy's mobile phone, which he had brought to the school despite there being a strict prohibition on it.
However, after the 16-year-old started threatening the teacher and demanding his phone back, he was sent to the principal's office.
In a video shot by one of the school teachers, the boy, who is seen sitting in front of the principal, can be heard demanding his phone back.
When the principal refused, the boy stood up and claimed that he was being mentally harassed.
He then threatened that he would stab the principal with a knife if he met him outside the school.
After the video went viral on social media, the school suspended the student and also filed a police complaint against him.
Many on social media reacted to the video with shock and wondered how a Class XI student could make such a threat. Some also argued that the boy could be suffering from mobile phone addiction and, instead of vilifying him, the teenager should be provided with psychiatric help.
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