A mysterious case shook Delhi police when 11 members of the same family were found dead in the Burari area of Delhi.?The deceased included seven women, two men and two minors. The suspicious handwritten notes found by the police said the eyes of the 11 members should be donated.
Occult science and superstition are being reported as the reason behind these killings. The police is cracking down on the case as a well-orchestrated suicide. CCTV visuals accessed by the investigators from the neighbourhood show family members collecting items like stools and wires which they used to hang themselves.
Photo Credits: PTI
Lalit Bhatia, a 45-year-old businessman is being suspected as the one who influenced the entire family to commit suicide in order to achieve ¡®salvation¡¯. Bhatia liked watching ghost and paranormal shows on ¡®YouTube¡¯ and other internet platforms as per his mobile phone details, said police officers in a report to Hindustan Times.
While residents of Burari still wonder what to do with the house of death, the police officers further said that the family had been carrying out the ¡®death¡¯ preparations for about ten days in advance.?
¡°The line of investigation is focused on the role of Lalit and his wife,¡± Deputy Commissioner of Police Joy N. Tirkey said. According to psychologists and officers, Bhatia is expected to be suffering from a delusional disorder. In the CCTV footage that has been recovered, Bhatia was seen involved in arranging materials for the mass suicide from June 23 to June 30. They would often send the domestic servant to get household goods.
Photo Credit: PTI
Lalit¡¯s late father, Gopaldas was in the Indian Army and hence the family followed a disciplinarian life. Just like his father, Lalit would instruct the family members of dos¡¯ and don'ts about the ceremony to be followed, before all the members hanged themselves from the iron grill in the house.
He made sure that all the members stood straight like a soldier after the morning prayers to increase their mental strength. Viscera reports of the members will be disclosed in the next ten to fifteen days which will reveal if the family¡¯s dinner meal was mixed with sedatives before their deaths.?
Paranormal experts and psychologists are being consulted by the police force to probe into the matter.