In a rather embarrassing incident, a Twitter user got a befitting reply for trolling the IRCTC (Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation) for showing vulgar advertisements. The Twitter user had complained to the IRCTC, the Railway Ministry and Railway Minister Piyush Goyal's office about 'obscene and vulgar' ads popping up on the IRCTC website.?
"Obscene and vulgar ads are very frequently appearing on the IRCTC ticket booking app. This is very embarrassing and irritating @RailMinIndia @IRCTCofficial @PiyushGoyalOffc kindly look into", the user wrote.
However, it was the reply from the official Twitter account of the Indian Railways Seva that won the internet.
"Irctc uses Googles ad serving tool ADX for serving ads.These ads uses cookies to target the user. Based on user history and browsing behaviour ads are shown. Pl clean and delete all browser cookies and history to avoid such ads", they wrote.
Several netizens lauded the savage reply of the Indian Railways Seva and posted some hilarious responses to the exchange.
This Twitter user will definitely try to be more aware of his browsing history now.