In a kind of a setback for AAP ahead of next year's assembly polls in Punjab, former BJP MP Navjot Sindhu has floated a new front called "Aawaaz-e-Punjab."
The front formed by Navjot Singh Sidhu, Pargat Singh and Bains brothers willl be called "Aawaaz-e-Punjab".
The 'Aawaaz-e-Punjab' will be formally launched next week, reports said.
Earlier, there were reports that Navjot Singh Sidhu may join AAP.
Amid reports that Sidhu wanted to be the chief ministerial candidate of AAP, Arvind Kejriwal had on August 19 said that the cricketer-turned-politician had not put any pre-condition and just needed "time to think" about his future plans.
The former cricketer and popular TV host had walked out of the BJP in July, and kept everyone guessing. He had alleged that the BJP did not allow him to work in Punjab. ?