A month since the Supreme Court made it mandatory to play,?and stand for the national anthem before movies, and only harassment has followed.
In Chennai, a woman and her elderly mother were abused, while a man was physically attacked for for not standing up for the National Anthem at Palazzo Cinemas in Vadapalani. Palazzo Cinemas is one of the venues hosting the ongoing Chennai International Film Festival.
Then, Shreela, her 60-year-old Subhashri and Bijon were booked under Section 3 of The Prevention of Insults to National Honour, and released on bail. The 3 did not stand up for the anthem before the screening of Bulgarian film Glory, raising questions. Then, Bijon was reportedly roughed up by a mob.?
"Those who tried to stop the mob were roughed up too. One of the persons who led the mob went out to call the police, while others said they won't allow the screening till police come and take them into custody," an eyewitness told Indian Express.
However, it was only the 3, and not their assaulters who were arrested.
Also read:?The SC Just Made The National Anthem At Theatres Mandatory. Here's Why It's Not A Good Idea