Sreekutty, the adorable baby elephant, turned a year old on November 8 and had the best birthday bash. She celebrated her first year in this world at the Kottoor Elephant Rehabilitation Centre in Kerala. There were 15 elephants and her mahout.?
As per a report in The New Indian Express, the cake was made of rice and ragi. It was a touching sight as she greeted Dr EK Eswara, chief forest veterinary officer (Rtd), who nursed her to health. The bash was organised by the Eco-Development Committee, Kappukadu.?
In 2019, she was rescued in Thenmala. As she recovered in Kottoor, forest officials nursed her back to health and for them, her birthday will always be the day they found her.?
¡°When we got Sreekutty, one of her hind legs was badly injured and she had bruises all over her body. It is suspected that she was washed away in strong water currents, eventually getting separated from her parents. As Sreekutty was hardly three weeks old, chances of her survival was just 40 per cent,¡± said Satheeshan NV, deputy wildlife warden.?
But she did survive and many came together to mark the special day. After all, a year ago her chances were small of making it this far. Now one hopes for her to live a long and healthy life in the years to come.