Tamil Nadu has shut schools in 21 districts as the India Meteorological Department (IMD) has issued 'heavy rainfall' alert on Thursday. According to the IMD, the coastal region of Tamil Nadu is likely to receive heavy to very heavy rainfall with extremely heavy falls in the southern coastal region of Andhra Pradesh-- Rayalaseema during the next 24 hours.
Ramanathapuram, Thoothukudi, Tirunelveli, Puduokottai, and Nagapattinam districts are facing severe rains with roads and rail lines being submerged in water.?Several residential areas and hamlets are under the water and schools and colleges will remain closed until further notice.
Kanchipuram, Ranipet, Dindugal, Theni, Vellore, Ariyallur, Villupura, Thiruvarur, Mayiladudhurai, Kallakurichi, Cuddalore, Villipuram, Thanjavur, and Dharmapuri are among the 20 districts hit by heavy monsoon. Moreover, Puducherry and Karaikal have also closed the schools and other educational institutes because of heavy rain forecasts.
Meanwhile, heavy rain lashed Chennai late Thursday night, leading to waterlogging in low-lying areas. However, water pumps have been installed in waterlogged areas to remove stagnant water.
Flights were redirected to the neighbouring Tiruchi airport due to poor visibility and bad weather conditions in Thoothukudi. Train services were hit as tracks were submerged in water.
Rivers and streams are overflowing and heavy rains with lightning and thundering hitting several southern states. According to IMD, heavy to very heavy rains will continue till Monday even though the cyclonic circulation over the southwest Bay of Bengal is unlikely to concentrate into a low-pressure area.
The IMD on Twitter informed that "Rough to Very Rough Sea conditions very likely to prevail over Southwest & adjoining Westcentral Bay of Bengal and along and off Tamilnadu-Puducherry-south Andhra Pradesh coasts. Fishermen are advised not to venture into these areas till November 19 morning".
The state government has appointed corporation engineers to expedite flood mitigation measures. Last week also rain battered several districts of Tamil Nadu in which a dozen of people died and over 60 houses suffered damage.??
IMD has also sounded a yellow alert in six districts of Kerala, including Alapuzha, Ernakulam, Thrissur, Palakkad, Malappuram and Wayanad.
According to the weather agency, a low-pressure area is likely to form over the south Andaman Sea on November 29, which will trigger heavy rainfall in these districts."Isolated heavy rainfall is very likely over Kerala on November 25 and it will continue till November 29," IMD said.
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