A Delhi man has started a unique treasure hunt of his own by hiding Rs 500 notes in hidden spots around the city and giving hints through his videos on where to find them. The Instagram page 'Treasure Hunt Delhi' was started on February 25 and has gained nearly 14k followers in less than a month. His unique selling point is cleverly giving away something everyone enjoys 每 money.?
Every day, the 25-year-old posts a video on Instagram holding Rs 500, then hides it wherever he goes - from monuments to lakes.?
The money is hidden in hard-to-spot places, such as pavement cracks or between rocks.?
The only hint to locate the money is provided in the Instagram video. Whoever correctly guesses the location and discovers the money gets to keep it.?
When users find the money, they are asked to send a photo or video of where they found it, which Treasure Hunt Delhi then shares on its Instagram Stories as proof.?
So far, the Delhi resident has finished about 25 treasure hunts successfully. He's hoping that as the account gets more popular, he can increase the cash prize.?
Watch one of his videos here:
Speaking with Moneycontrol, the 25-year-old artist expressed his dissatisfaction with the treatment of artists in large companies. He stated that despite working tirelessly, artists often receive only a fraction of what they deserve while companies profit significantly from their projects.?
Feeling disillusioned by this reality, the artist initiated the Treasure Hunt Delhi Instagram account as a means to assist people.?
He acknowledged that the amount offered may be small but could potentially benefit individuals in various ways.?
Describing his initiative as a real-life competition with valuable rewards, he expressed his intention to start small with Rs 500 and gradually increase the prize pool through potential brand promotions as the page gains more followers.
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