In a major victory for India's efforts to bring to justice the perpetrators of the worst terror attack in the country's history, the US Supreme Court has cleared the path to extradite Mumbai attack accused Tahawwur Rana. The US Supreme Court, on January 21, rejected Rana's plea filed on November 13 to prevent his extradition to India.
With this, the 64-year-old former Pakistan Army captain has exhausted all his legal options in the US to block him from being extradited to India.
Rana, who is currently detained at the Metropolitan Detention Center in Los Angeles, had earlier unsuccessfully challenged his extradition to India in several federal courts, including the US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit in San Francisco.
In August 2024, the US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit had ruled that Rana could be extradited to India under the extradition treaty between the two countries.
Rana had challenged the order, arguing that he was tried and acquitted in federal court in the Northern District of Illinois (Chicago) on charges relating to the 2008 terrorist attack on Mumbai.
A close confidant of Pakistani-American terrorist David Headley, Rana was also convicted of providing support to Lashkar-e-Taiba for his involvement in the plot to attack the office of a Danish newspaper that published the controversial Muhammad caricature.
A medical doctor by qualification, Rana served in the Pakistan Army as a captain and, after retirement, moved to Canada, where he acquired citizenship. Rana also started an immigration business in Canada and the US, which Pakistan's ISI and Headley used as a cover for their activities. It is believed that Rana was in direct contact with Major Iqbal, a shadowy figure in the ISI, who coordinated the 2008 Mumbai attacks. Rana and his family have denied his terror links and have blamed Headley for deceiving him.
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