In a tragic turn of events, a devastating plane crash occurred at Muan International Airport in South Korea on Sunday morning, where a Jeju Air flight with 181 people on board veered off the runway due to malfunctioning landing gear, hit a fence, and caught fire. Unfortunately, all but two people on the flight are feared dead. Authorities have confirmed 120 fatalities so far. As rescue efforts continue at the Airport, a chilling story has emerged from the tragic plane crash, with a passenger's haunting messages being shared by News1.
A passenger on the Jeju Air flight had sent heartbreaking messages to a family member just minutes before the fatal crash took place on December 29. In the messages, obtained by News1, the passenger mentions a bird getting stuck in the wing, which reportedly caused the plane to be unable to land. Realising the graveness of the matter, the said passenger asked the family member if they should leave a will.
As translated by Koreaboo, the passenger told his family member on Kakao Talk, "We're holding", followed by the alarming revelation that "a bird got stuck in the wing" and they couldn't land. The conversation took a frightening turn when the passenger asked, "Should I leave a will?" leaving the family member concerned.?
According to local media reports, the ill-fated flight was carrying a total of 181 people, comprising 175 passengers, mostly South Korean families who were returning from Christmas vacations in Thailand, and six crew members.
The fire department confirmed that the Jeju plane that crash-landed in Muan on Sunday was "completely destroyed", with the identification of the deceased proving to be a daunting task due to the extend of the damage. "The plane is almost completely destroyed, and identifying the deceased is proving difficult. The process is taking time as we locate and recover the remains," the fire department in Muan said in a statement.
Social media has flooded with condolences messages and tributes after the devastating plane crash.?South Korea's acting President Choi Sang-mok reached the crash site at Muan International Airport to inspect the situation.?"No words of consolation will be enough for the families who have suffered such a tragedy," he said speaking of the tragedy, as he promised complete support to the grieving family.?