Telegram, the widely used messaging service, continues to find itself embroiled in controversies. Following the arrest of its founder and CEO, Pavel Durov, by French authorities last month, it is being reported that the platform has made a subtle yet notable change to its FAQ. This update comes just days after Durov's legal troubles, raising questions about the app's future direction and privacy.
In a recent post on X, DB News, a leading source for crypto updates, highlighted a significant change in Telegram's FAQ.: "Telegram quietly updates FAQ, removing: 'All Telegram chats and group chats are private amongst their participants. We do not process any requests related to them.'"
This original response addressed the question, "There's illegal content on Telegram. How do I take it down?"?
The updated answer now reads: "All Telegram apps have 'Report' buttons that let you flag illegal content for our moderators - in just a few taps."
Tesla CEO Elon Musk, who has shown his support for Telegram's founder Pavel Durov by posting the hashtag #FreePavel, reacted to the update with a simple yet telling response: "Interesting."
Musk had previously voiced his concerns about what he described as "dangerous times" on social media, referencing not only Durov's arrest but also the recent ban on X in Brazil, a social media platform that he owns.
In the comments section, users expressed deep concern over the implications of Telegram's recent update, with many labeling it as "very bad news" and suggesting that "Telegram is compromised."
One commenter remarked, "Wow looks like Telegram was forced to bend to the new world order."
Another voiced worries about the erosion of free speech, stating, "When companies like Telegram are forced to bend, we lose essential freedoms bit by bit."
The sentiment was echoed by another user who warned, "So now these tyrants want to read users private messages. Yet with government literally everything is classified and off limits."
"Well there goes Telegram. They bent the knee," was another top comment.?
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