The fashion industry is actually a major part of our pollution problem. Because the materials used are often ones like polyester or nylon, which have plastic microfibres embedded in them, constantly creating more of it is bad. And the same goes for shoes too.
Images courtesy: Adidas/Parley
So Adidas is attempting to do something about this, at least where their own manufacturing process is concerned.? Sports shoes have plastic content after all, and when people toss them out that ends up in landfills or the oceans, where it pollutes our ecosystem.
That's why in 2015 Adidas announced it was partnering with environmental organization Parley for the Oceans. They said they were attempting to turn waste plastic in the oceans into sportswear, and they've come a long way since.
Adidas says that it expects to make 11 million pairs of shoes this year using recycled ocean plastic, more than double the number of pairs it made this way in 2018. According to the company, their joint efforts have resulted in 2,810 tons of plastic being kept out of the oceans.
To do this, Parley and its partners first organise efforts to collect trash from coastal areas like the Maldives. The waste is then sorted, with the plastic being sent to an Adidas processing plant. Plastic bottles contain polyethylene terephthalate, or PET, and Adidas uses this for its sportswear. Other plastic they can't use like bottle caps and rings are sent on to traditional recycling facilities.
The PET-containing materials are crushed, washed, and then dehydrated till they're nothing but small plastic flakes. These are melted down, dried, and cooled into small pellets, which is then molded into a filament they call Ocean Plastic. Adidas uses this Ocean Plastic to create the top layers of their shoes and certain articles of clothing like their sports jerseys.?
Adidas says each item in its Parley collection uses at least 75 percent trash recovered from the oceans, while still being up to their performance and comfort standards. Additionally, producing these pieces also requires less water and fewer chemicals than their traditional shoes.
It doesn't end there either. Adidas says over 40 percent of its products currently use this ocean plastic, and it plans to replace all virgin polyester in its remaining products with this by 2024.?
A step further than that is another Adidas effort called Futurecraft Loop. This is a type of sportswear it's developing that's 100 percent recyclable. When you're done with those shoes, Adidas expects you to return them for recycling rather than toss them away. The material can then be broken down and used to remake it into a completely new pair of shoes.