Kerala High Court has held a ruling stating that admins of WhatsApp groups cannot be held vicariously liable for any objectionable content posted by any of its members.
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The ruling was in response to quashing a POCSO case against a WhatsApp group admin after one member had posted child pornography on to the group.
Kerala HC said that as held by the Bombay and Delhi High Courts, ¡°the only privilege enjoyed by the admin of a WhatsApp group over other members is that he can either add or delete any of the members from the group. He cannot moderate or censor messages in a group.¡±
Court added, ¡°Thus, the creator or administrator of a WhatsApp group merely acting in that capacity cannot be vicariously held liable for any objectionable content posted by a member of the group.¡±
The accused admin created a WhatsApp group dubbed FRIENDS, where he made two other individuals as admins. One of the admins soon posted a child-porn video in the group post which a case was filed against the individual who posted under the Information Technology Act and the Protection of Children from Sexual Offence Act. The petitioner (primary admin) was categorised as accused number 2.
Kerala High Court also highlighted that a WhatsApp admin cannot be an intermediary under the IT Act as he doesn't receive or transmit any record or provide any service with respect to such a record.?
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It highlighted that there was no master-servant or principal-agent relationship between the admin and its members, thus it goes against the basic principles of criminal law to hold an admin liable for a post published by someone else in the group.?
Kerala High Court also held that the basic ingredients of the offences alleged are altogether absent as against the petitioner, quashing the entire proceedings in the case against him.
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