There may finally be some good news in store for WhatsApp and its parent company Facebook, now known as Meta. As odds against Mark Zuckerberg's pool of platforms continue to stack up, a court has ruled that WhatsApp can take legal action against Israel's NSO for using its Pegasus software to allegedly snoop on journalists, activists, and political figures in multiple countries including India.
An appeals court in the United States recently rejected NSO's requests to be protected under sovereign immunity laws, which would prevent it from facing lawsuits over snooping undertaken on WhatsApp.
Also read:?How To Find Pegasus Spyware On Your iPhone: Step By Step Guide
While many governments including in India have rejected such claims of snooping, the spyware company claims to provide its series of products only to authorised governments around the globe.
WhatsApp claims that Pegasus was used to hack 1,400 users on its app, implying that we may finally get to know more about the company's secretive clients, their purpose of usage, and the processes involved in snooping on people.
Pegasus is a sophisticated spyware which can function with zero-clicks in some instances to gain access to any user's smartphone devices regardless of the OS used.
Also read:?'State Can't Get Free Pass Every Time National Security Is Raised': SC Orders Pegasus Probe
While the software may be under scanner over a series of leaks by multiple news outlets including The Guardian and The Wire, the potential lawsuit corresponds to a 2019 claim by WhatsApp about a malware sent to 1,400 users. According to WhatsApp, the targeted individuals include journalists and activists.
What do you think, should NSO be allowed to get away with this infringement of people's fundamental rights across the world? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below. For the latest in tech and science, keep reading
Kirchgaessner, S. (2021, November 8). Legal woes mount for NSO after court rules WhatsApp lawsuit can proceed. The Guardian.?