China already has a plethora of security systems making it an Orwellian nightmare, from social credit systems to CCTV face recognition and more. But now, the country is testing out another piece of technology to monitor people, one that recognises them based on the way they walk.
Watrix is a China-based company that makes the AI gait recognition software. According to their CEO Huan Yongzhen, the neural network can identify people from up to 50 metres away, even if their backs are to the camera.
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"You don't need people's cooperation for us to be able to recognise their identity," he told AP. "Gait analysis can't be fooled by simply limping, walking with splayed feet or hunching over, because we're analysing all the features of an entire body."
It's not too surprising either, considering this kind of AI was recently built by researchers at the University of Manchester. Their system was able to identify people by their walk with nearly 380 percent higher accuracy than traditional methods.
There some obstacles to overcome for Watrix though. For one, the computers required to process all of this footage and analyse it need to be very powerful, and therefore expensive. After all, where facial recognition is in essence comparing data to an image, gait-analysis is doing the same for moving video.
It's still unclear just how widely China will be able to roll out a system. But given its commitment to closely monitoring citizens, they may be willing to spend the money to do this.