In a fascinating turn of events, a Bengaluru man discovered that his neighbour was the founder of Rapido, a popular ride-sharing startup in India. The discovery was made through a WhatsApp conversation.
The chance encounter highlights the power of networking and how success can be found in unexpected places. The Bengaluru man had no idea that his neighbour was a successful entrepreneur until they struck up a conversation and shared information about their respective professions.
The conversation quickly went viral on social media, with many people expressing their surprise and admiration for the chance encounter. It also shed light on the importance of building relationships with those around us, as we never know who might be able to offer valuable insights or opportunities.
The man who had a conversation with the founder was Akashlal Bathe.?He shared the WhatsApp chat on his LinkedIn profile with the caption, "Happens only in #Bangalore, Pinged a random dude who wanted a ladder in the society group, checked his profile with status as 'Rapido' Turns out the founder of Rapido is a neighbor ?."
It's unclear which of the three sent the message requesting the ladder, but Bathe, who was also a part of the WhatsApp chat group, answered. Akashlal Bathe, a software developer, was astonished to discover his neighbour's "Rapido'' WhatsApp status and account picture, so he texted him privately.
"What line of work are you in?" he asked, to which his neighbour answered that he needed a ladder for "AC fitting." "No. Are you interested in photography or something? "Taking a look at your dp," Bathe stated. Bathe inquired about the founder's WhatsApp status after he modestly stated that he was not interested in photography or podcasting. "What's up with Rapido?" he said.
He discovered he was one of the company's founders only after looking for his neighbour on Google. In the meantime, his neighbour responded to his query. He wrote, "I am the founder of Rapido," according to screenshots of the chat that Bathe subsequently uploaded on LinkedIn. Bathe informed the Rapido founder that he would share the exchange on?LinkedIn.?
He also praised the company, adding, "Great service. Rapido has shown itself to be really valuable on several occasions. Kaam aaya hai kaafi baar." He documented the event with screenshots on LinkedIn.
More than 15,000 people "liked" his LinkedIn post, and it received several comments from individuals demanding the phone number of Rapido's creator.
One of the users asked, "Waise, what was his DP like?" And who was it who handed over the ladder in the end?
Another person said, "On a lighter note, I'm still wondering why the founder of Rapido needs a ladder."
What do you think about it? Do let us know in the comments.
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