In a heartwarming video, two doctors from Chandigarh are going viral on social media for their rendition of an old Hindi song. Facebook user Supreet Dhiman posted the video on the social media platform and since then, the duo has become famous on the internet.?
Dr Raman Abrol and Dr Biman Saikia sang Aaja Panchhi Akela Hai from the 1957 film Nau Do Gyarah in the heartwarming video.?
While Dr Abrol stuck to the classic, Dr Saikia added his own hilarious twist to the song with quirky inputs to the lyrics.?
¡°Proud to be from a city where everyone takes things in their own stride...this is how doctors from Chandigarh are dealing with Covid. Team Dr Raman Abrol and Dr Biman Saikia. You must be over the moon Rachna Dewan after all you are the woman behind one half of this duet,¡± the caption of the post reads.
Social media users loved the video and took to the comments section of the video that has been shared thousands of times.
One user wrote,?¡°I was smiling and singing along all the way." Another commented, ¡°This video is going viral! In fact, it's the most potent stress buster in current times.¡±