India's star javelin thrower Neeraj Chopra just shared the most amazing news - he's now married to Himani! The double Olympic medalist took to Instagram to share beautiful photos from his wedding ceremony, and fans can't get enough of them. He expressed his gratitude for every blessing that brought them together and said they're "bound by love, happily ever after."
Indian javelin sensation Neeraj Chopra has taken to social media to share the exciting news of his wedding to Himani. The Olympic medalist posted a series of heartwarming photos from his special day, giving his fans a glimpse into the intimate ceremony. Accompanying the pictures was a touching note that spoke to the love and commitment he and Himani share, leaving fans overjoyed for the newlyweds. He wrote, "Grateful for every blessing that brought us to this moment together. Bound by love, happily ever after."
He shared three heartwarming pictures that showcase the joy and love of his wedding celebration. The first photo captures the happy couple, Himani and Neeraj, surrounded by their loved ones, as they participate in the vibrant wedding festivities. The second picture offers a glimpse into the sacred wedding rituals, with the bride and groom fully immersed in the ceremony. The third is an emotional one, as it captures a tender moment between Neeraj and his mother.?
After Chopra announced his wedding news, his Instagram post is being stormed with congratulatory messages from his fans and well-wishers. The comments section is filled with heartfelt wishes, blessings, and good luck messages, as people from the film industry to sports fraternity share heartfelt wishes for the newly weds.?