On Sunday (January 19, 2025), former Olympic javelin champion Neeraj Chopra made a heartwarming announcement that broke the internet¡ªhe has tied the knot with tennis star Himani Mor. Sharing some dreamy pictures from the private ceremony, Neeraj expressed his gratitude by saying, ¡°Grateful for every blessing that brought us to this moment together. Bound by love, happily ever after.¡±?
As the couple began a new chapter of their lives, Neeraj also asked for his fans' support and blessings. For the unversed, Chopra and Mor¡¯s wedding took place in Himachal Pradesh, attended by just 40-50 close friends and family. Here¡¯s everything you need to know about the woman the nation wants to know about.
Himani Mor is a tennis player from Sonipat who has made her mark in the sport with an impressive track record. She completed her schooling at Little Angels School in Sonipat and is currently pursuing a Master¡¯s Degree in Sports Management at Franklin Pierce University in New Hampshire. Himani is also an alumna of Delhi¡¯s Miranda House, where she earned a bachelor¡¯s degree in Political Science and Physical Education.
The 25-year-old is the daughter of Chand Ram and has a brother, Himanshu, who is also a tennis player. Himani has had a successful career in tennis, with a notable achievement being a gold medal at the World Junior Tennis Championship in Malaysia in 2016. She also represented India at the 2017 World University Games in Taipei, after competing at the national level for Delhi University.
In 2018, Himani achieved her career-best national ranking, reaching 42 in singles and 27 in doubles, according to the All India Tennis Association (AITA). She started competing in AITA events in 2018. Additionally, Amherst College in Massachusetts lists her as an assistant coach for the women¡¯s tennis team.
Indiatimes wishes Neeraj and Himani, a very prosperous and fulfilling married life.
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