Ahead of the second Test in the Border-Gavaskar Trophy (BGT) series between India and Australia, scheduled to begin on December 6, both teams have been intensely preparing. However, what was supposed to be a routine practice session on Tuesday took an unexpected turn after fans were allowed to observe the proceedings. Following an unfortunate experience, India's team management has decided to restrict fan access to future practice sessions.
Tuesday's practice session ahead of the second Test drew a surprising crowd when it was opened to fans.?
While only a small number showed up to watch Australia, the scene was drastically different for India, with thousands eager to catch a glimpse of their favorite stars.?
The close proximity of the practice stands to the nets in Adelaide gave fans an up-close view, but the overwhelming turnout led to chaos.
According to a senior BCCI official, who spoke anonymously, the situation spiralled out of control. The unexpected turnout led to unruly behavior, prompting concerns about player safety and comfort.?
"It was complete chaos. During the Australian training session, not more than 70-odd people turned up but during India's session, 3000 came. No one expected so many fans to turn up," he said.?
Reports suggest players like Rohit Sharma and Rishabh Pant were bombarded with demands to hit sixes, while others faced insensitive remarks about their fitness.
One witness described fans filming live videos and loudly chatting even as batters focused on their stance. "Virat (Kohli) and Shubman Gill could have been mobbed because of so many people,¡± the source added.
One player was also body-shamed, and another was repeatedly asked to respond in Gujarati.
"Players were very disturbed by the rude and insensitive comments that were passed," he said.
Fans have expressed their disappointment over the behaviour at India's practice session, with many condemning the disrespect shown to players like Virat Kohli.?
In the comments, one fan wrote, "Shame on such fans who called a legend like Virat Kohli 'Chokli' during practice. He's our legend, respect him."
Others criticised the decision to allow public access to the session.?
One person argued, "You need practice session where your team mate and coach should be there only! How you will concentrate if you will listen these animated voices all the time!"
This sentiment was echoed widely, with some saying the atmosphere disrupted the team's focus.
A video surfaced online, supposedly from the practice, showing the chaotic environment.?The user captioned it, "Because of this," implying the unruly behavior was clear evidence that practice sessions should remain private.?
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