The way Delhi Police dealt with the CAA and NRC protesters at Jamia Millia Islamia, invited a country-wide outrage. Not only Indian universities like Aligarh University, IIT Bombay, IIT Delhi, DU, Guwahati University, are carrying out protest marches against the brutal method with which Delhi Police terrorised the students of Jamia, but there are protests going on in universities like Harvard, Oxford and Columbia too.?
Social media is full of nothing but videos of Delhi Police thrashing students mercilessly with lathis and firing tear gas bombs. There have been reports that students who were studying in the library were beaten up too.?
And this is not the first time, Delhi Police has dealt with student protesters and dissenters in an extreme manner. Before Jamia, Delhi Police brandished their lathis on JNU students.?
However, there was one section of this society that the Delhi Police failed to control, it actually was defeated by that strata - that of Delhi Lawyers.?Apparently, lawyers have joined the protests against Citizenship Amendment Act, and from what we can gauge, it's not likely to be a cordial?reunion.
?Images of lawyers marching in protest against the CAA have made its way to Twitter.
?For those who do not remember what happened last month between Delhi Police and the lawyers, here is a recap. It all started from a dispute over parking, between an on-duty policeman and a lawyer, and it turned into a series of violent encounters between the police and the lawyer community. Punches were thrown from both sides and many policemen and lawyers were injured.
Lawyers barged into the Tis Hazari Court, outnumbered the police personnel present there and thrashed them black and blue. Delhi police felt so helpless that hundreds of police personnel protested outside the police headquarters.?
No one side was innocent of creating violence. Its just that the lawyers used all their force, even literal to not be subjugated by the police. So yeah, police just might have to fear the section of the society that sent forced THEM to protest.?