The Mahakumbh, one of the most significant and revered events in Hinduism, takes place once every twelve years. For the 2025 Mahakumbh, millions of devotees have converged in Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh, to partake in this sacred gathering, seeking spiritual purification by taking a ritual bath at the Triveni Sangam, where the Ganga, Yamuna, and the mythical Saraswati rivers meet. The demand is so high that flight prices to Prayagraj have skyrocketed, surpassing even the cost of a much-coveted Europe trip to Amsterdam or London!
A user on X (formerly Twitter) sparked an interesting conversation with a post that read: "It's cheaper to fly to Amsterdam than to Prayagraj now. 60k return journey. Hinduism is thriving :)"
Another user shared screenshots on X comparing flight tickets for January 31: New Delhi to Prayagraj priced at Rs 31k, while New Delhi to London was just Rs24k.
This quickly went viral, with several others chiming in with their opinions on the surprising cost surge for flights to Prayagraj, where the Mahakumbh is held.
One user expressed frustration, saying, "All the airline companies are creating a monopoly together. This should not be done; flight fares should be a little less."
Another acknowledged,? "Yahi toh demand and supply hai."
A more practical response pointed out, "The difference is you still have an option to go by train or road to Prayagraj, which you don't have for Amsterdam. Lol ?," highlighting the accessibility of alternative transport despite the high airfares.
One user humorously added, "One is a holy dip and the other is a dip in the hole."
One commenter captured the essence of the situation with, "Airfares to Prayagraj have surged by up to 600%! Flights from Delhi now cost upwards of Rs 21,000, while fares from Mumbai and Bengaluru range from Rs 22,000 to Rs 60,000."
Yet someone else captured the essence of the situation, joking, "12 saal me ek bar hai to flight wale itna lenge hi na...," implying that the rare nature of the event justified the high prices.
Meanwhile, businesses are eagerly jumping on the spiritual tourism bandwagon.?
OYO founder Ritesh Agarwal recently took to LinkedIn to announce the company's plans to tap into this growing market. "By the end of 2025, we'll be adding 500 hotels across 12 major pilgrimage destinations," he shared.
Highlighting the surge in demand for accommodations in Prayagraj for Maha Kumbh 2025, which has already exceeded current inventory, Agarwal revealed that OYO plans to open new hotels, including 250 in key pilgrimage hubs like Varanasi, Haridwar and Puri, other than Prayagraj.
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