Google made headlines recently when it laid off Madhav Chinnappa, its director of News Ecosystem Development, after his impressive 13-year tenure with the company.?
Hailing from Indian origin and working in London, Chinnappa shared this update on LinkedIn, expressing his pride in the accomplishments achieved during his nearly 13 years at Google.?
In a heartfelt post, Chinnappa fondly recalled the various projects he spearheaded at Google, highlighting significant initiatives like the Digital News Initiative and the Journalism Emergency Relief Fund.
''I am leaving Google as part of the #googlelayoffs. I am on gardening leave at the moment, which allows too much time to contemplate work, career, life, etc. In the end, I am proud of what I have been able to achieve during my almost 13 years at Google,'' he wrote on LinkedIn.?
'Gardening leave' is a notable period during which employees are not required to report to the workplace.?
Chinnappa also expressed that he feels fortunate to be in a "privileged position" that grants him the time to assess and plan for his future endeavors.
"And what now: I am in the privileged position of being able some time to figure that out. In the near term, I have some pressing family issues that need my fuller attention, so in the spirit of the Zen proverb that the tea cup must be empty before it can be full, I will take August off and then spend September looking after my mum in India and only start thinking about work in October with a view to doing more things in 2024. Though if you have any ideas or thoughts, please message me, as I am all ears and have more time on my hands now!"
Before joining Google, he amassed 29 years of professional experience working with prominent organizations such as BBC, United Business Media (UBM), and Associated Press Television News (APTN).
In January of this year, Google made headlines with a significant announcement of mass layoffs, impacting approximately 12,000 employees worldwide.?
Alphabet CEO Sundar Pichai addressed the staff in a memo, explaining that the company had thoroughly evaluated its products, personnel, and priorities, leading to job cuts across various regions and technological divisions.?
Mr. Pichai emphasized that the cuts were made after careful consideration
"The fact that these changes will impact the lives of Googlers weighs heavily on me, and I take full responsibility for the decisions that led us here,"?
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