With the release of the iPhone 16 series, excitement for Apple products reached new heights. While many customers paid full price for the latest item, other savvy buyers learned how to use their credit cards strategically to get discounts. Recently, a Reddit member stunned everyone by revealing that they purchased the iPhone 16 with 256 GB of storage for just Rs 27,000.?
iPhone 16 256 GB - 27,000
byu/Wild_Muscle3506 inCreditCardsIndia
To substantiate their argument, the user also supplied an image of the transaction receipt, which reveals that they spent Rs 26,970 with their credit card. The remaining cost was covered by reward points earned on their card.
According to the screenshot given by the user, they were able to purchase the iPhone 16, which costs Rs 89,900, for the lowest price. They paid Rs 26,970 with their HDFC Infinia credit card and used Rs 62,930 in credit card points to cover the remaining balance. Despite using the card wisely, the user said, "Thanks to the reward points." "I now regret using this card for some of my large purchases."
When a Redditor asked why they regretted using their card for the transaction, the individual stated, "I used Amazon pay card for jewellery purchases just for 1% cashback thinking Infinia won't give any points on jewellery but it actually does."?
Many people were taken aback by the surprise price, while others were delighted for the buyer.??
byu/Wild_Muscle3506 from discussion
byu/Wild_Muscle3506 from discussion
byu/Wild_Muscle3506 from discussion
byu/Wild_Muscle3506 from discussion
byu/Wild_Muscle3506 from discussion
Also read:?Woman smuggles 26 iPhone 16 Pro Max devices in her vanity bag, caught at Delhi Airport
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