A man from Andhra Pradesh ended himself in the hospital following a dangerously reckless attempt to play with a cobra, sparking uproar on social media.?
The video, which appeared on X, shows Nagaraju from Kadiri in the Sathyasai area. The video shows Nagaraju, presumably drunk, attempting to control a cobra that had wandered onto the grounds of a degree college in Kadiri.?
Nagaraju attempted to seize the snake when it slithered into the campus premises. When the cobra escaped into the bushes, Nagaraju captured the snake and returned it to the road to resume his reckless behaviour.
In the footage, Nagaraju is shown repeatedly pounding a cobra's head, despite frantic warnings and requests from witnesses to stop. His disrespect for the snake's danger is clear as he continues to mishandle it, including treading on it.?
Also read:?Viral Video: Close Call As Man Tries To Grab Snake And Almost Gets Bit In The Face
Nagaraju's actions disturb the cobra, which eventually attacks him. As the situation escalated, bystanders swiftly requested an ambulance. Nagaraju was subsequently transported to the hospital for immediate treatment.
Since being put online, the video has received a lot of attention, with many people expressing their displeasure in the comments section.?
One user questioned, ¡°Why is no one taking the right action? There are few people around him. Thanks to the people who called an ambulance.¡±
Another remarked, ¡°Nagaraju still doesn¡¯t mean naga won¡¯t bite¡ Amazing patience showed by the cobra... The guy is a wasted existence on earth¡¡±?
Someone else suggested, ¡°He should be booked under cruelty to animals. The poor snake.¡±?
Also read:?No snakes on the plane here: Live eels seen 'spilling' onto tarmac at Canada airport
A person pointed out, ¡°Observe how the snake gave warning and hesitated to bite for the maximum possible extent. Animals are more sensible than humans.¡±?
Another added, ¡°Why did the onlookers allow the man to continue with this dangerous act? There should be some law against people taking videos without offering assistance to persons as in this case.¡± Check the video here.
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