A 24-year-old woman was arrested last week upon arriving in Bengaluru after she was reportedly spotted smoking in the lavatory of an Indigo flight from Kolkata.?
According to a police report filed by airport security officer K Shankar, cabin crew told Priyanka C, who got on flight 6E-716 from Kolkata at 9:50 p.m. on March 5, to open the restroom door because they thought she was smoking inside.?
The complaint states that when the door was opened, a cigarette was lying in the trash can, and the staff extinguished it with water.?
Once she was brought into custody, the airport police filed a complaint against her under Section 336 of the Indian Criminal Code (whoever does any act so rashly or negligently as to endanger human life or the personal safety of others).
The travel time from Kolkata to Bengaluru is around 2.5 hours.?The woman was later released on bail.
A few days ago, another incident of a passenger causing inconvenience midflight occurred: a person was found smoking inside the toilet of a Delhi-bound Air India plane.
Despite repeated warnings from flight attendants and signs posted in restrooms, some passengers still manage to light up and are later turned over to the police.
The most recent incident involved a man who tried to sneak into the plane's bathroom and smoke a cigarette when nobody was looking. Times Now reports that the incident happened on an Air India flight on March 4.
Three months in prison or a fine of Rs. 250 may be imposed for breaching IPC Section 336.
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