A Bengaluru woman's attempt to dodge work by citing a 'family emergency' was thwarted when her boss spotted her attending a Royal Challengers Bangalore (RCB) IPL match on live television.?
The incident unfolded when the woman claimed to have an urgent family matter requiring her absence from work.?
However, her ruse was exposed when her boss saw her cheering for RCB during a match broadcast.?
The boss, taken aback by the revelation, promptly confronted the woman.?
This amusing episode highlights the lengths to which some cricket enthusiasts will go to catch their favourite teams in action, even at the expense of fabricating elaborate excuses.?
The incident serves as a humorous reminder of the pitfalls of dishonesty in the age of ubiquitous media coverage and social media vigilance.
Cricket enthusiasts frequently carve out time from their work commitments to attend live matches.?
One such instance occurred when a devoted supporter of the Royal Challengers Bengaluru (RCB) made her way to witness the RCB versus Lucknow Super Giants (LSG) match.?
Departing from her workplace, she informed her boss of a family emergency, but fate intervened when her boss unexpectedly caught sight of her on television coverage of the match.
Neha Dwivedi's supervisor caught sight of her on live television, enthusiastically cheering on at the stadium.?
The following day, they contacted her via message, inquiring about the match and mentioning that they had spotted her reaction on TV.?
Dwivedi took to Instagram to recount the incident, revealing that her boss had seen her during the RCB vs LSG match.?
Subsequently, her manager inquired whether she was a fan of RCB, to which she affirmed.?
The manager then remarked about her apparent disappointment during the match, noting her worried expression as witnessed on TV.?
The conversation ended with a light-hearted quip about her early departure from the office.?
Dwivedi shared a screenshot of the exchange with her manager on Instagram.
You can watch the video on Instagram posted by Neha Dwivedi.
A few days ago, this post was shared, and since its publication, it has accumulated over two hundred thousand views.
Additionally, it has received nearly four thousand likes and many comments.
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