While the heat Royal Challengers Bengaluru (RCB) faced after the IPL 2025 mega-auction had yet to simmer, they added another issue to their plate, this time facing criticism from Bengaluru fans. Recently, RCB created a separate social media handle on X (formerly known as Twitter) for Hindi-speaking fans or those who don't understand English or Kannada. RCB created the Hindi page and shared a video of Virat Kohli speaking in Hindi, accompanied by English subtitles.?
Named "Royal Challengers Bengaluru Hindi" with the handle "@RCBinHindi," this new social media page created on November 24 has not sat well with fans, as they accused the Bengaluru-based IPL team of promoting the language and are calling for the account to be removed.?
The caption of the post read: "Listen to your favourite player Virat Kohli in his favourite Hindi language, where he shared his thoughts on the joy of being associated with RCB for years and the auction. Now all RCB videos are available in your favourite Hindi language too!"?
Under the post, fans began questioning why the franchise thought it would be a good idea to promote the Hindi language. Some even want the club to remove "Bengaluru" from their name and make it some "other-India state."
In the video Virat Kohliis heard saying, "A big hello to everyone at the RCB, the fans, the people involved in behind the scenes, the management. I am sending out this message to inform everyone that I¡¯ve been retained once again for the three-year cycle of the IPL beginning next year. And I am as excited as ever.Everyone knows what RCB means to me. It¡¯s been a very special relationship over so many years, which continues to grow stronger. And what I¡¯ve experienced playing for RCB is truly, truly special and I hope the fans and everyone who¡¯s connected to the franchise feels the same".?
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