A bold phone thief in Bihar ended up in a sticky situation after failing to run off in time. He found himself hanging off the side of a moving train for over a kilometre after passengers refused to let him go, as per reports. In a video of the incident, the man can be seen getting slapped on the head several times by angry passengers keen on teaching him a lesson it seems.
Curious? Here's what went on.
As per the caption of the video, the?burglar tried to steal the phone from a female passenger who was talking on it while seated near a window. The incident was reported from the Bhagalpur area of Bihar.
Other passengers inside the train quickly caught the thief and refused to let go. As a result, he remained hanging off the side of the moving?train?for more than a kilometre, reportedly.
His attempt to run away with a passenger's phone was not only foiled, he even got plenty of smacks on the head along the way.
"Please allow me to exit... My hand is going to break," the man appealed to the passengers on the train before being helped by a few young men who, some claimed, were?members of his 'gang.'
The video was shared on Instagram by a page called 'Sach Kadwa Hai,' and collected more than 5k likes and 89k views in a span of 17 hours.
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