How fresh do you want your fish to be? That’s a question we don’t often ask ourselves. The internet comes up with new bizarre ideas and observations every day, but sometimes things can get a little too weird.
A video going around the internet captures the absolutely terrifying visuals of a fish without its head moving.?In the clip, two men are seen trying to cook a breaded fish. One of the men picks up the fish and gently puts it in the frying pan filled with oil. Within a second of touching the hot oil, the fish’s body starts moving.
The two men in the clip immediately step back, fearing that the hot oil might hurt them. Meanwhile, the fish thrashes uncontrollably in the oil, causing a splatter on the stovetop. To prevent any fire hazards, one of the men picks up the pan and brings it to the sink. The fish, which is headless, by the way, still keeps moving. The two men are utterly confused after the incident, and with them are the thousands of people who came across the video on Reddit.
Check out the bizarre video below:
Folks online were completely fascinated and terrified of the video. A user joked, “That's how you know it's fresh,” while another commented on the famous meme from Gordon Ramsay’s show ‘Kitchen Nightmares’, “The Truly fresh frozen.”
A fellow was scared after watching the video, “Bruh I can’t even put a chicken in a fryer without getting scared sh*tless. If I put a fresh fish in oil and it starts splashing around… I’m running out the house.”
On the other hand, a user explained why such an incident took place and how the fish was able to move even after being headless, “detached frog legs start to twitch with just a pinch of salt? It happens because despite the animal being dead, the legs still contain some living cells that can respond to stimuli. Sodium ions present in the applied salt behave like signals from the brain and cause the nerves to fire. Since there is still a source of energy left in the cells, the muscles contract in response to the signal and thus the legs dance.”