Imagine spending Rs 87,75,000 on a luxury car. It arrives all sleek and beautiful, but then you realise that the car cannot even spell its own brand name right. Nightmare?
While stuck in traffic a Melbourne driver realised that the Porsche in front of him had a huge and very obvious flaw. It had spelt its brand name as ¡®Porshce¡¯ instead of ¡®Porsche¡¯.
Daily Mail? -? Incorrect spelling of the brand
Daily Mail - Correctly spelt brand name
Whether the owner of the car knows that or not is unclear but it sure is a great boo-boo. Nobody wants to know that their ultra-expensive car has a spelling mistake on its back.
The Porsche Australia spokesman told Daily Mail Australia that the company was very sure that the incorrect spelling on the badge was not a manufacturing error.
¡°Our attention to detail and quality control is second to none so I can¡¯t envisage that happening on our end,¡± he said.
¡°At the factory in Germany one of the key things that we check is that all badging is correct.¡±
¡°It's then checked again during the pre-delivery inspection at the dealership in Australia as well. It's on two separate checklists.¡±
¡°We do those things on every single car and take quality control extremely seriously.¡±
He also said that the model in the photo was not new and hence, it was almost impossible that the owner didn¡¯t know about the mistake.
So, what happened here? Is it an immaculate fake or did someone prank this guy?