When I was a young girl, my parents ordered a fish platter while we were out on a road trip. Knowing nothing about the delicacies of the particular region we were in at the time, we didn't think it would be any different than a normal fish dish (that rhymes!). However, we were in for a not-so-pleasant surprise when we were served a whole fish with its eyes popping out. It was delicious to eat but definitely difficult to look at.
Now, imagine, if the fish you are about to eat, not just has all of its parts together, but also moves. Makes you slightly uncomfortable, right? Well, it shouldn't! It should make you very uncomfortable because that shit is crazy.
Just like this video that I had to watch at least five times to believe that this is actually food served in a restaurant and not just a prank. The video, posted by an account named @rhmsuwaidi on Instagram, shows a fish-based dish with some vegetables, maybe glass noodles, and two fish.?
The user has mentioned in the video's caption that the original video is by a user called @takahiro4601.
As soon as the person eating the dish pokes the fish with a chopstick, the fish opens its mouth and grabs the end of the stick. You can see tiny sharp teeth in the fish's mouth, and the whole experience feels very creepy.?
The video has amassed more than 1 lakh likes and people took to the comments section to express their disgust at the clip.
"This fish will make it equal and will take revenge, some other time," wrote a user.
"Who gets hungry, human or fish?" said another.
"They both want to eat each other," commented a third user.
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