How much are you willing to spend on a handbag bag? For some people, handbags are a collector's item and they can spend obscene amounts of money on the same. While some look for luxury, others look for authenticity.?
However, it cannot get stranger than this bag which was found by Twitteratis on the microblogging website. What is so bizarre about it? Well, it is a bag that has gone viral for its unusual shape. It looks like a mini folding chair and is priced at $895 (Rs 66,794).
A Twitter user by the name of Lexi Brown shared a picture of the crystal-embellished Pave Chair Bag from Nordstrom'swith the caption, 'A hobby of mine is finding ridiculous items for sale at Nordstrom's. This might be my best find yet.'
Lexi also wrote: 'If you wear this, you deserve to be robbed.' (Please do not rob anyone)
According to the description of the product on the website, you can't actually carry anything in the bag. The description reads, 'Shown on the runway at New York Fashion Week, this bedazzled objet d'art doesn't actually carry anything, except for a conversation.'
Thanks to the bizarre nature of the bag, Twitter has loads of comments and retweets from netizens who ridiculed the object. Here are some of the best ones:
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Would you like to spend over Rs 60K for this bag? No? Yes? Definitely? Are you sane? Let us know in the comments.
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