A heartstopping video has surfaced from Jodhpur, Rajathan and it is going viral. A water pipeline suddenly burst on a busy road and a car narrowly escaped what could have been a serious accident. The entire incident was captured on a CCTV camera in the area.?
Reportedly, the water pipeline that burst in the outskirts of Jodhpur in Ratanada area on Saturday was at least 20 years old and of diameter measuring 50 cm.?According to Times Now report no person was injured nor was any vehicle damaged in the incident. Since it was Saturday there were fewer vehicles on the road.
The video starts with vehicles moving around the roundabout when suddenly the cement road gives way to a jet of water after a water pipeline ruptures.?There was a white Swift headed in the same direction but the quick-thinking driver turned right just in time to avoid getting injured.?
As vehicles continued to avoid taking the path, large amounts of water leaked from the water pipe and covered the road. In a few moments, the water has engulfed a large part of adjacent road as well.?
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If it was not for the presence of mind (and sheer luck) of the car's driver and others passing through the area, a huge amount of damage could have been caused.?
In another case of luck plus reflexes,?a video of a bus driver in Brazil avoiding a head-on collision went viral sometime ago.?The 18-second video is enough to make one¡¯s heart skip a beat; it shows a vehicle speeding towards the bus from the wrong side of the road.
The video has what seem like four different angles from different cameras. While the bus driver is driving in his lane he notices a car coming towards the bus from the wrong direction at high speed. In a split second, the driver steers the bus to the right to avoid a head-on collision with the Toyota Hilux pickup truck.?
The passengers can be seen looking ahead with shock and surprise as the bus driver heaves a sigh of relief for avoiding what he seems to know could have been a bad crash.
The bus was reportedly travelling on the BR-330 road connecting Jita¨²na and Jequi¨¦ near Salvador on the east coast when it narrowly avoided the Toyota Hilux pickup truck.
Guess the Indian saying, ¡®Nazar hati durghatni ghati¡¯ is right after all.?
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