Mumbai's local trains are notorious for their packed carriages and the everyday chaos passengers face.?In the middle of this mayhem, travellers manage to bring some fun into their everyday lives by sharing their inventive solutions for problems relating to their daily travel.
A viral social media clip depicted an unusual incident wherein a commuter, standing on the train's footboard, ingeniously attached his phone to the door panel, listening to music through earbuds. The incident took place on a local Mumbai train.
The man's distinctive antique caught another traveller's attention on the platform at the station, who used his phone to record the entire exchange.? ?
"Only in Mumbai," Instagram user @_aamchi_mumbai_ captioned the little video.?
Interestingly, the video was posted alongside the popular song "Moye Moye."?
The video showed the man putting his safety in danger by riding on the train's footboard.?He set up a "jugaad" to use his?phone?in the packed public transportation system, setting his smartphone up next to the door of the second-class compartment.?
When the man realised he was being filmed at the end of the video, he also waved and posed for the camera.
Just a few days ago, the viral clip was posted on the platform, and in that time, it has received over 5.5 million views and over 110,000 likes.
The video is taken from one of the local railway?stations in Mumbai.
The video elicited swift reactions from internet users.?
Some people expressed concerns about the passenger's safety and smartphone security, while others just filled the comment section with laughing emojis.?
What do you think about it? Do let us know in the comments.
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